Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Dr. Akhter Ahsen: How Tiger Moved from Poetry into Mythology

Tiger, Tiger burning bright
In the forest of night

These lines are from William Blake, the poet, from Ireland. I do not remember the place and the time when I read them the first time, but I recall them leaping out from the page of a poetry book. This image of the Tiger once formed in this way in my mind was never erased. Like the poetry itself it felt eternal, throbbing in total rhythm with the universe out there. Was it the pen of a great poet that gave the Tiger the life to leap out of the page like this, or was it the Tiger itself which captured the roaming fancy of the poet and clothed it in its own image giving it a touch of foreverness. I believe that no other utterance in William Blake’s creations matches the beauty of these two lines.

The present golden-yellow Tiger that we know today comes from the White Tiger that used to live in the Northern areas near the Arctic. Little is known about why animals migrate. Most scientists believe that it is intuitive. In back and forth migration, the animals use an inborn mechanism that periodically causes it to travel in a direct path, to a particular destination. The birds migrate annually according to changes in season. For instance, in the Northern Hemisphere they go South in the Fall and return North in the Spring. The birds migrate comparatively long distances and mammals go to shorter distances and return.

The Tiger is not a migratory animal in the usual sense of the word, although before the Ice Age it used to live in the warmer area near the frozen Arctic. When the Ice Age came, it traveled ahead of the Great Ice and came southward. White Tiger is thus from these ancient times, the color changing to the present golden yellow as it began to live permanently in warmer climates. And later on as it roamed from Bengal and maybe from China into Southeastern Asia territories it developed the darker brown shade of color. India’s Tiger is from during the time of the advance and withdrawal of the Great Ice, and chose to settle in the Himalayas where Ice and warm climate commingle along the long range of mountains that majestically spread from East to West. This vast area has beautiful gullies which are largely inter-connected. One thinks of valleys of Kashmir and other provinces in the sprawling mountains where the Tiger can freely roam choosing a preferred climate in its wanderings from evening, morning, noon, and the night.

It is interesting to note that while in India the Tiger moved from poetry into mythology. However, it is the India’s Tiger which became more representative of what this species means to the human mind today – Mythic. In Shivaic tantric ceremonies and Buddhist theology it became a part of the ceremonial wear and ritual. The Tiger now enjoys this special status that India bestowed on it beyond the poetry that it could evoke in the human heart. Sadly, today the Tiger is in danger of extinction, inspite of its mythic status or maybe because of it, since its skin is sought and displayed as a prideful possession, by those who can afford the price. Even its bones, as we hear quite often, are popularly believed to have special healing qualities. It is no surprise therefore that in the illegitimate underground trade a dead Tiger has more dollar value than its symbolic worship.

In the 1950’s and 60’s during Nehru and Indira Gandhi’s time India tried to save the disappearing Tiger. It was no surprise that the Tiger began to recover, as its numbers greatly increased. At that time of this turn about in its fate Dr. Karan Singh was the Chairman of the Indian Board for Wildlife and headed a Steering Committee for the Project Tiger for a full decade. But as the Governments changed hands unfortunately little political interest was shown in keeping the pressure alive for serving the Tiger. The numbers of Tigers began to dwindle and it is facing extinction again. If we do not recognize this it is sure to vanish, its enemy being greed which can bring a rich bounty. I believe it should be a special privilege and pride for India to protect the magnificent Tiger. I cannot even imagine that India should wait and go begging for international help which I am sure will come without asking.

As I see it personally the case must be made first by India by immediately putting life back into the earlier efforts and techniques that had been successful because the Tiger began to grow in population. Logically, it is India’s moral duty, if I may say so, to show interest in the Tiger and its survival. The initiative should be prompt and bold enough to draw interest and cooperation from everyone. The World Tiger Fund can also be set-up by private individuals like ourselves to keep the project alive and kicking while also watching what India will be doing in this direction. Such a fund can provide independent help wherever it is needed in order to speed up this Project.

Yours sincerely,
Akhter Ahsen, Chairman
International Imagery Association
E-mail: imagepsychology@aol.com

Dr. Karan Singh: Tiger in Wild Habitat is an Awe Inspiring Sight

I was very pleasantly surprised by a blog on survival of the Tiger and congratulate Dr. Akhter Ahsen on writing the introductory piece.

Tiger in its wild habitat is an awe-inspiring sight that remains etched forever in one's mind. Down through the corridors of time, it has become an important element in the cultural iconography not only of India but also of the other tiger-range countries. Being the apex predator, it is the flagship species wherever it is found as its preservation involves the conservation of the entire ecosystem

A century back, an estimated 100,000 tigers roamed the wilds of the 12 tiger-range countries in Asia. India was home to approximately 40,000 of them. This large number was responsible for making tiger synonymous with Indian subcontinent. Today, its population world wide has dwindled to around 5,000. There are differing estimates of Indian tiger's numbers in the wild. It ranges from an optimistic figure of 2,500 to a pessimistic one of less than 1,500. Be that as it may, there is no gainsaying that Indian tiger is facing the severest crisis in its long history on this planet. With precipitous decline in its numbers in India’s tiger reserves, the prognostication of its future appears negative.

Earlier, in the decade 1960-70, Indian tiger had faced a somewhat similar crisis. Its numbers had fallen to around 1,800. Deeply concerned over its status, then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi set up a special taskforce, "Project Tiger" on 1st April 1973. She asked me to head it. With her steadfast support, international cooperation and the dedication of project staff, we managed to pull Indian tiger back from the verge of extinction. In less than a decade, its population had nearly doubled.

In 1973, despite the Government's financial support, the project faced the constraint of money. Today, with India's economy booming, money is not a problem. However, in the period after Indira Gandhi's assassination in 1984, Project Tiger seems to have lost dynamism and enthusiasm that had permeated it during its initial years. Many factors are responsible for its decline and failure to graduate from conserving tiger to an integrated interdisciplinary mechanism for protecting and preserving our forests and wildlife from internal and external depredation.

Today, the disappearance of tigers from some of our prime tiger reserves and their infrequent sightings in others has cast a dark shadow of pessimism that lies like an iron sheet on the land. However, shafts of sunlight seem to be breaking through the gathering gloom. The Government of India has set up a National Tiger Conservation Authority. An interdisciplinary wildlife crime bureau is in the offing. India may just be able to, once again, pull Indian tiger back from the brink. But tigers elsewhere in Asia are also facing an equally dismal future. What is needed today is a closely coordinated effort by all the tiger-range countries to focus, among other things, on preventing widespread wildlife poaching and large-scale smuggling of animal skins and derivatives.

Dr Karan Singh
Member of Parliament
& Former Chairman, Project Tiger India

Director: Leslie J. Dagnall

“I see the black velvety darkness on the right and golden sun on the left
I see the two come together
Black stripes and gold stripes swirl together at the center in front
From the center of this swirl, a tiger leaps out and lands on the earth with a powerful roar.
This is the blessed beast of my nature
This tiger, which is my consciousness, is truly powerful and free.”

This is from a workshop, The Tiger Experience, given by Dr. Akhter Ahsen in New York City, which was presided over by Dr. Karan Singh.

Recently a story appeared in the newspaper about a tiger who escaped from his cage in a zoo, killed a person, then was recaptured and was killed himself, much to everyone’s relief. I thought, how odd it is, that he who was taken from Nature, when he fled his captivity and acted according to his essence, was sentenced to death. Patti Smith, I understand, recently gave a concert and New York City and the song she sang had the same theme. Who really shed blood and who is the “terrorist “ in the story?

The tiger image in our mind, with the gold of the sun, and the dark night has all the mystery in it. If one sees the tiger prowling in the bushes, there is a stealthy, quiet waiting. All the strategy of Nature is there. Deep knowledge, brilliance and depth.

Who gave this tiger this uncanny spirit, rising from the union of sun and dark night, leaping out in midair between heaven and earth? He leapt out, landed upon the earth and roaring and calling out to us, part of our soul calling out to the other part, the part of us that remembers calling forth the part of us that forgets.

There is irony even in our desire to save the tiger since who made us arbitrators of his destiny? The tiger would know how to survive in a much more victorious way than we could ever dream of. His would not be a mere survival, it would be a visitation from beyond the land of doubt we have been pushed into.

Here is a snapshot from a larger poem on the tiger by someone we will get to later:

“Power plant on the left,
Hwy 59 traffic on the right,
Power plant sound like OMMM,
Hwy 59 sounds like an OCEAN.

I’m walking in-between,
Kicking the waves, the rolling,
Foamy water on a sandy beach
(Sidewalk with groves),

My feet/paws in three to four inches of water,
Watermarks seen under the clear waters,
Waters of Creation.

A car passes by
and I cross the street.”

After having ascended into this place of the tiger, my mind became more brilliant and I looked at an imagery experience about the tiger that I had some time ago in Ahsen’s workshop and it began this way:
“There are two deaths. One is a meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is a return to Nature and is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. The other death is the death by confusion in which the person is in pain because of this confusion and doubt and being a victim of people who caused the doubt and changed the nature from the way he was born into then becoming a confused helpless being. What is the true being really like”?
I decided to open the flood gates and invite people into this experience of the tiger in which aspects of the tiger are fully and richly explored. It is not an ordinary experience but an extraordinary one, where the deeper nature of life and the deep nature of the mind are connected. How is this possible you may ask? It is a journey of mind, where the mind opens to a realm of Imagination, the natural imagination which one is born with. The image is as follows:
“See an empty space a little toward the right of the center in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger from that space. This is your true being. This tiger is really you. Look at it.”
There is a sharp delineation of this leap into the realm of mind and true imagination. The one who is on the journey is asked merely to look. As the mind is engaged with this, other aspects are now paid attention to: “How do you feel when you look at the tiger”? The object of attention and mind participate and at this level the mind is not without feeling. One feels what one sees and the experience grows as more details of this image are picked up: “Concentrate on its breathing, on his body warmth, on the elegance of his whole presence. You can touch him, it is like the touch of earth itself.
“Now, look at his eyes, the light in them, like the light of the sun. This tiger has all the four elements of creation in it: Air, fire, water and earth. It has the juices of life in his body, wonderfully balanced. Look at this tiger as the tiger looks at you.
“Never forget this vision of the strength. It can always come to you in this fashion from this mysterious space of the tiger. in front.
Where did this image of the tiger go?
“ I am old, young, wise and stupid. I get into the day without thought. Where did I go? I hide my face behind the tinted sunglasses and upon leaving my house, into car with windows that shade me from onlookers. I can see out but they can’t see in.
How did we get into so much hiding?
My teachers were in this: parents stand like silhouettes in my mind, who they were after all became much more barren in my mind.
The crow shrieks out: ‘Pay attention, pay attention,’ and I look over the rim of my glasses, stepping out into sunset, not making much sound. My shirt is long enough, my hair is short enough and my speech is muffled, till I can no longer hear what I have to say.”
How to return to the Tiger is posed as I am working on this blog.

Visitation by the Tiger

1. How do you feel when you look at the tiger?
“There is a safe, secure feeling actually. As he comes out powerful; he doesn't leap out but strides out, two or three powerful strides, stops and looks my way, but beyond me. The presence of strength and power in him, there is something reassuring about that. In a world of turmoil, it creates a sense of being secure, where the possibilities of life are secure and can't be trampled on.”
2. Concentrate on its breathing.
“I notice how his coat, stripes, the gold, the black and the white, shifts as he is breathing. Very smooth rippling of the coat of fur. It is very rhythmic and slow and steady, and it gives a sense of alertness in the tiger, a slow steady ripple in rhythm of the breath. kind of signifies or represents with it is the feeling of keen sight in the tiger as I see its gaze, alert and keen.
“First I notice my breathing is the same, having that same slow rhythm. With that is the feeling of natural animal energy inside which is very alert to what is out there, One can imagine a tiger in the wild. How it notices everything.”
3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
“That brings in his heart beat and now I feel and see his heartbeat. His heart is the center, a subtle generator of this heat. This heat is spreading out from his body from that center. It is a slightly warm body. There is this feeling of harmony in the body, that perfect temperature and the perfect balance of things. With that balance and harmony come the feeling of readiness. The word that comes to mind is resourcefulness, the ability to respond or act appropriately, just out of its nature. '
4. Concentrate on his whole body.
“It is like this perfect balance of alertness and power and its perfect rhythm within its body with the movement of its body and the perfect rhythm in relation to his surroundings.
“And with that is the feeling of movement and of strategy. Watching the tiger move and walk is the feeling of its being really strategic in nature, everything is so balanced in its harmony within and without, within the tiger itself and in relationship with its environment. It feels like if I were out in the world a great ability to maneuver and see things at the same time and to be able to respond and shift with a purpose. Twists and turns of being in the world while always moving forward. There is always that perfect balance. The balance is such that you can maintain your movement and purpose.”
5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
“The feeling that comes to mind is fertility and the like; everything necessary for growth and expansion and diversity is present. As one can feel within the earth a Creator...the same feeling putting the hand to the earth feeling at one with the Creator and the Universe. Tiger gives the feeling of being one with the Creator. Touching the tiger like the earth, deep connection with the rhythms of the universe. I can't help but imagine the rhythms of the jungle, the dark jungle, these teeming rhythms, a very pleasant experience, like the birds and all the animals in the jungle, this great symphony of rhythms. So what is in the tiger, the touch of the tiger? I feel all that, see all that, and hear all that. There is a feeling of mystery in that.”
6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
“I see the sun coming over the mountain, rising in the morning. I see it getting brighter. Then the sun, as it almost clears the mountain, it stops and right there is where I see the tiger's eyes so there is only part of the sun that is hidden by the mountain, the sun is almost completely over the mountain, risen above only a small part that is hidden, the lower part is still hidden. That is where I see the tiger's eyes. That is where the sun stops and that is where I see it.”
7. This tiger has the four elements in it: Air, fire, water and earth.
“It is almost like I see a wheel in the four elements, the four cardinal points in the circle in a wheel. Sun (fire) at the top, the air to the right and the water at the bottom and earth to the left, 12, 3, 6, 9. I see it spinning in a clockwise motion. Fast enough to where they all merge into each other. I see the face of the tiger in the middle of it., and the tiger roars.”
8. It has all the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
“The feeling of perfect balance of energy, perfect balance of fluids, having the effect of energy, a great store of energy in the body. “
9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
“Swirling flow of energy from the navel on up to the chest, going right up to the back of the neck, back of head, top of head. Swirling rush of energy. Just below the naval, pelvic area all the way up the spine, back of the head and around. It comes right back around to my eyes, my eyes are looking again at the tiger looking at me, almost like swirling up and the whole thing, seeing him as he sees me and this rush of energy from pelvis area to eyes and seeing him again as he sees me. This completion of a circle, like a wave to my eyes and then it starts again. I can feel this pulsating wave in my pelvic area, on up the spine a rush of energy up the spine behind the head and over the head and to the eyes again, and then it continues again as I see the tiger and he sees me it starts over again.”
10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
“Yes. Every time the energy comes up from eyes over the head I seem to be more identified with the tiger. Or more in unity with the tiger, like each kind of rush of energy as it hits the eyes and I stay with it, kind of increases that sense of unity. Then the next rush begins. “
11. This is your true body and your true being.
“My body feels very catlike, like it has a lot of power to move forcefully and my mind and body are one. “
12. How does it feel now?
“It is a great feeling of strength. feelings of strength, strategy, balance, resourcefulness, poise, being poised. I don't need to go anywhere else.”
13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
“Yeah. As I am doing this image and it is moving, things are really coming to me, resolutions to problems and confusions, that I have been having. Resolutions just come to me of power, how this power is taken from us, by the world. The thing is not to involved yourself in things that take this from you, or suck it out of you. The image came and the whole feeling comes and then the words are coming. Things that bother me have to do with politics and how that zaps the strength out of you, getting involved in all that meaningless crap. That is really what this whole thing is about.
“Incident with a person. Inklings of it processing it, not letting it into me. Not let that take my life from me. Not give myself over to all the meaninglessness and the mental energy that goes into this, this nothingness that goes nowhere.
“The whole mythological aspect of things comes to me and this ties in with that. How things move at a mythological pace of space and time.
“I can just feel that getting involved in that meaninglessness takes away from people. Diminishes real life.
“The pace of mythology...the way it works like time, space, how things work in eons. Hindu, things are large, sense of time...things work out in a slow way...Slower time in mythology. Relaxing thing in my body. Not this mad rush to do anything cause it is going to happen on its own time. Then you can understand what is going on around you too. You don't have to get so caught up in it, you understand it, a different place outside of it all, outside of all the turmoil, much broader perspective. You can see the levels that are at play in all of this. From a personal point of view, this particular history, to society, all the way up to the mythological view of things.
“When I take that perspective a deeper feeling arises within me. A deep place within me, where as I look at any of those levels from the broader perspective, I feel it deep inside, and a deep connection with nature, also. It makes me feel that different levels can be looked at with much more open perspective.
“Richer place where there is a lot more, the mind plays with things and things come in from different directions. Played off each other. The mind doesn't go in a straight path, takes a lot of things in from different directions. This gives a greater understanding of things as I experience them, richer experience creates greater understanding.”
14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
“Okay. Yea, it feels really good. Part that created the spiraling thing, the tiger's body that was a very deep feeling. Very yogic and I am not even sure what that means, “very yogic,” but that is the term that comes. Seeing the tiger as he saw me, his eyes as he looks at me, that begins the yogic spiral.”
15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
“Okay A little bit to the left and in front of me. He is looking at me, about 3-4 ft away. A very friendly feel to it, like he is my friend. Almost like he is saying, I am here when you need me. When he comes nearer, I can sense his breathing now. All those things, his breathing, his heart beat, I can feel his whole being and the warmth.”
16. Hold the tiger.
“We are breathing in unison. It is almost like we are one. I see us welded together in one space, two of us in one space. Like his body is partially inside of mine.”
17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
“He jumps up and runs and I am in his body. When I was holding him he welded into my body, now he jumps up and runs, I feel his power, I have his power and the beauty of the gait and the strength of the gait. As he runs I see what he sees. There is power and grace and vision of seeing everything and freedom. That is what a lot of it is, that freedom of movement, agility and power. There is a lot of freedom in the movement. When he puts out his left paw, it is my left hand going out. My heart beating is his heart beating. I can climb a tree. which gives a different feeling of power. Again, the gigantic paw of the tiger, the power, the claws and grabbing a tree and climbing up it, gives a different feeling of power and a different view from on high.”
18. Put your cheek on it.
“It really gives me goose bumps. Now there is affection. Now I rub both of my cheeks on him, one then the other, side to side, rubbing my cheeks on the tiger. It really gives me goose bumpy feeling to do that.
“I feel the affection. It is a great feeling in my body, a tingly feeling, this is tingly a softer feeling to it, one of deep affection.
“Mostly, I feel it in my heart. I have been feeling it there the whole time, my heart has been beating the whole session, I can feel it.”
19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.
“Palm? Yes. It sends feeling of my arm, my forearm up to the heart, I feel this feeling radiating up my arm towards my heart on the left hand side. Strength in that arm.”
20. Hear this tiger when it purrs. How do you feel?
“Almost like the tiger is in some meditation of some type. Very present at the same time.”
“Restful, mind is very restful; and in the body there is an alertness, presence with the outside world, and alertness, a tiger in a field or wherever, out in the wild. The tiger's eyes are closed in mediation and alert at the same time.
“Gives the feeling of strength, connection, does not feel passive, feels alert, not on the defensive, or on the look out, but there is alertness. Not a passive meditative state, little hint of movement of some type. Reminds me of the perfect stillness of Shiva in meditation, with Ganesh, a hint of movement, that is what it feels like. The hint gives it that feeling of being in touch with the world, it creates that connection with the world. Again it is the hint of movement.
“My heart is really beating the whole time. There is heat present, juices are flowing. This was a perfect resolution to the funk I was in, which I could not get off my mind, could not process what happened, but this clarifies and resolves it all.”
We invite you to go into this mediation on the Tiger and see what comes up for you. Let us know...

Leslie J. Dagnall
Eidetic Training Centers
18 Edgecliff Terrace,
Yonkers, New York 10705

* Nanette Tashnek: Tigers Just Keep Appearing

Most of my clients are introduced to the Blessed Tiger early on in treatment especially the very fragile and unstable adults and the young children. It is an image everyone relates to. It helps to build strength, secure grounding, and overcome fear. If they are frightened by the tiger image a cat image will come forward and eventually move to the Tiger. The office I share has colorful large pictures of Hindu Mythic Gods and figures, statues, large pillows, books, photos, and five stuffed Tigers. Tigers just keep appearing in the office.

We started out with a medium sized White Tiger. Then a very large White Tiger appeared at the door from a former client of my office mate. For Christmas J., a seven year old male client gifted me with a medium sized Golden Tiger as he felt an imbalance in the Tiger family of only two white ones. L., a six year female client demanded I secure a mother, a father, and two children Tigers. A., a female adult client reported she liked the three some as it felt much like the imbalanced family from her history. I broke down and purchased a very large Golden Tiger to complete the Tiger family. Now we have one medium and one very large White Tiger and one medium and one very large Golden Tiger. For my birthday a client brought a tiny newborn White Tiger. Family sculpting and family dynamics are recreated in the Eidetic Theater of Consciousness as a result of the Tigers appearing in the office. And most of the children who enter my room now house Tigers of their own at home.

The Tiger, The Children, and The Clients are my Teachers

I’m reminded of the days when I was a green therapist and untrained to work with children. A very wise non traditional and non behaviorist psychiatrist relayed two very important pieces of wisdom to me. He asked me if I liked to play, to which I immediately responded yes, and he told me children would teach me how to do therapy with them. As I continued to work with kids I began to realize he was right. Children did teach me how to work with them. They told me how things were done in other groups, they told me how they wanted things to be for them, and they corrected any of my errors.

When children first enter my current office I ask them if they would like me to show them around the room to ease any anxiety or negative anticipatory responses and it gives me something to share with them. I take them around enthusiastically and introduce them to all the mythic figures and begin the stories. The tiger is what often attracts them the most.

When I was asked to write about how I work with the Tiger I immediately asked Dr. Ahsen where written material was that I could read. He replied that there was none. Later, I realized that I don’t work with the Tiger. The Tiger works with me and through me. Once introduced the Tiger comes forward from the Eidos of the little children and the adults and reveals itself. The Tiger guides the path of work. All the ideas, creativity, healing, and potentials become known and are activated.

J. The Gift Giver

My first child teacher was J. a seven year old Hispanic male who came to treatment for dyslexia, emotional conflict, speech disturbance, and severe asthma. He initiated and activated the live Eidetic Theater of Consciousness in the office. He wanted to act out the drama in the Eidetic pictures from the Learning Model. Time after time we built forts out of pillows, got killed, and killed others as he slowly began to gain power. One day he was standing holding a Golden Tiger, the one he had purchased for me. He began to toss it about the room and said “the father Tiger is supposed to show the son how to leap off the cliffs. We began to toss the Tiger from the bookcase, off the furniture, all around the room. The father Tiger was teaching the son Tiger how to go out into the world; how to fish, how to hunt for food, how to swim, how to leap off the rocks. He was finally ready to work the male figure in the pictures as his father had been emotionally absent and limited in time spent with him.

D. Is Swimming with the Tigers

D., the 9 year old sister of J. came to treatment for dyslexia and emotional conflict. She loved working in the Eidetic pictures and connecting with me.
D. was a good swimmer and reported often she would get tired while swimming in the meets. She was swimming everyday for practice and at swim meets. I suggested she swim with the Tigers. I remembered 2 years prior I started swimming again for exercise. It was fatiguing . I began seeing the Tigers swim with me noticing how powerful their bodies were in the water. The image continued to rejuvenate me to complete my swimming routine. D began to excel in swimming.

L. Comes Out to the World

L., a 6 ½ year old Caucasian female came to treatment for severe asthma and
allergies. She was separated from her biological mother, had lost her biological father to suicide, and had no siblings. She would come into the office and gather all the stuffed Tigers and surround herself in the early sessions. She told me she was afraid of heights and refused to go to the window to point to things outside. Time after time I would have her hold the Tiger and go to the window. Each week she would get a little closer to the window. I reminded her that the Tiger had power and would protect her at all costs. Soon she no longer needed the stuffed Tiger, her phobia had lifted, and she willingly went to the window to see and point out everything outside as she playfully bounced on the large blue exercise ball. Her coming out party was slow but definitive. Once I saw how overprotected and over parented she was we began working in pictures of animals. The mother Tiger stayed inside the cave week after week to take care of the Babies. I finally said the mother Tiger must go out and get food for the babies. The babies cannot stay in the cave forever, they are growing up. The cubs ventured out of the cave and in this case the Mother Tiger began teaching the cubs how to hunt, feed, swim, and leap off the rocks. Soon she would come into the office each week, stand on the edge of the club chair and leap off the arm onto a pillow on the floor. She was coming out to the world.

F. The Family Sculptor

Family sculpting is an actual physical arrangement of the members of a family
in a physical space. One member “the director” places other family members in
an arrangement showing the family positions, alignments, and roles. This is
how the “director” sees the family. F., a 9 year old boy came to treatment for aggression, conflict and jealousy with siblings, low frustration tolerance, controlling behavior, and neediness toward the father’s attention. He resisted the Learning Model pictures initially but we often compromised with something he wanted to do in the session after we worked. He held a tight grip on his imagination. One day I asked him about his anger and he began to show me the family patterns of anger, how each member gets angry, how other members respond to the anger, and what happens when he gets angry. It normalized his angerso he did not see himself as the “identified client” with all the problems. He did all this sculpting with the family of Tigers.

L.’s Tiger Stops the Train

L., is a five and a half year old Chinese female adopted by Caucasian parents who have two other adopted Chinese girls. She came to treatment for stealing, lying, anger, opposition, and aggression. She would come into the office and lay all over the Tigers making herself quite comfortable. She was connecting to the energy of the Tigers. L. came to the sessions a few times and reported night terrors. She would draw the images from her dreams out on paper. One such dream was a time she found herself stuck on a railroad track in her Croc’s, those colorful rubber clogs with air holes. I had her see a Tiger come into the picture. He stops the train while her sister helps her across the track. Her night terrors subsided.

Kabbalah Newborn connects to the Hindu Tiger

I went to my first Bris or Brit millah, known in Judaism as the religious rite of Circumcision. I was searching and searching at the toy store for the right gift for a boy child conceived and born in the true Kabbalist tradition. I had no real connection to anything I saw in the store. It finally came to me that I had worked with this child’s sibling using the Learning Model in Eidetics and we had also spent many hours opening the Tiger images. I desperately looked for a small Tiger and could only find a very stylized one, so I purchased it as I was running out of time. I also purchased a toy tool box with tools that the baby could use when he got older.

I brought two gifts to the Bris. There were many people there and I saw some of the gifts had been opened. I never thought much about the gifts. I received a thank you call from the mother later. One Shabbat service the mother came with the baby and I could not keep my eyes off him. There was something special about him. I asked her how he liked the Tiger. She said to me “Did you give him the tiger?” I said yes. Apparently the gift was separated from the card and she was unaware of who the gift’s donor was.

The mother exclaimed that the baby never leaves sight of the Tiger. He continues to look at it in his crib with no interest in any of the other stuffed animals surrounding him. She went out and purchased many more Tigers and placed them next to him. She is aware of the power of the Hindu Tiger from our previous family work.The little Kabbalah newborn knows and connects to the Tiger inside him.

Ode to Chibby R.

We had a very real, strong, and soulful connection, me and my dear friend Chibby R. Chibby was a surrogate father figure to me and I loved him. He was the father of one of my best friends. He and his family took me in during a time of crisis and poor health. They nurtured me, fed me, and accepted me unconditionally. Their home was always a safe, loving, and active space. Unfortunately, Chibby succumbed to wheeling about on a scooter as the effects of long term emphazema had taken hold of him. He had multiple health and emotional problems but was never short of offering you the shirt off his back.

I wanted to help Chibby. I decided I would give him the original Tiger image. The image where you are seated in Yogic posture in a forest and you are perfectly still and the Tiger comes and roams around you, smells your fragrance, bonds with you, makes you aware of the your own personal strategy, and sits and guards you. He liked the image and wanted no other image. He used to talk to the Tiger and it would shake his head at him. The tiger would help him with his internal demons and give him advice.

During one of his hospital stays I purchased a Golden puppet Tiger that roared and I took it to his bedside. It made him laugh. When he returned home he put it on top of the oxygen machine next to his bed and looked at it when lying down. He said “It just makes me feel better.” Perhaps Chibby knew on some level that the Tiger was a part of him. Perhaps the Tiger puppet was the last image he saw before his fatal heart attack as he was lying in bed one day. I now have the Golden Tiger puppet and am reminded of the wonderful memory images, emotions, and sensations that were present when Chibby was alive. They are just as real and loud as Chibby was. He meant so much to me.

In Summary

Tigers just keep appearing in the office. There are many of them. They take on many forms. They are stylized, stuffed, large, small, male, female, young, old, muscular, thin, energetic, passive. They come through the door, they come through me, and they come through the conscious minds of all who enter and share. I am in awe of them. They are the top of the food chain, sexual yet independent creatures. The Blessed Tiger partners in strength when there is none. The Tiger teaches, leads, and strategizes when there is a lack. The Tiger heals. The Tiger is your friend. The Tiger is mythic, cross-cultural, and universal. The Tiger is soft, subtle, and sensual. One can go anywhere in imagination with the Tiger. One always knows the Tiger. One can always count on the Tiger within.

* Dave Kayser: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused, helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”

1. How do you feel when you look at it?

“There is a safe, secure feeling actually. As he comes out powerful; he doesn't leap out but strides out, two or three powerful strides, stops and looks my way, but beyond me. The presence of strength and power in him, there is something reassuring about that. In a world of turmoil, it creates a sense of being secure, where the possibilities of life are secure and can't be trampled on.”

2. Concentrate on its breathing.

“I notice how his coat, stripes, the gold, the black and the white, shifts as he is breathing. Very smooth rippling of the coat of fur. It is very rhythmic and slow and steady, and it gives a sense of alertness in the tiger, a slow steady ripple in rhythm of the breath. kind of signifies or represents with it is the feeling of keen sight in the tiger as I see its gaze, alert and keen.
“First I notice my breathing is the same, having that same slow rhythm. With that is the feeling of natural animal energy inside which is very alert to what is out there, One can imagine a tiger in the wild. How it notices everything.”

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.

“That brings in his heart beat and now I feel and see his heartbeat. His heart is the center, a subtle generator of this heat. This heat is spreading out from his body from that center. It is a slightly warm body. There is this feeling of harmony in the body, that perfect temperature and the perfect balance of things. With that balance and harmony come the feeling of readiness. The word that comes to mind is resourcefulness, the ability to respond or act appropriately, just out of its nature. '

4. Concentrate on his whole body.

“It is like this perfect balance of alertness and power and its perfect rhythm within its body with the movement of its body and the perfect rhythm in relation to his surroundings.
“And with that is the feeling of movement and of strategy. Watching the tiger move and walk is the feeling of its being really strategic in nature, everything is so balanced in its harmony within and without, within the tiger itself and in relationship with its environment. It feels like if I were out in the world a great ability to maneuver and see things at the same time and to be able to respond and shift with a purpose. Twists and turns of being in the world while always moving forward. There is always that perfect balance. The balance is such that you can maintain your movement and purpose.”

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.

“The feeling that comes to mind is fertility and the like; everything necessary for growth and expansion and diversity is present. As one can feel within the earth a Creator...the same feeling putting the hand to the earth feeling at one with the Creator and the Universe. Tiger gives the feeling of being one with the Creator. Touching the tiger like the earth, deep connection with the rhythms of the universe. I can't help but imagine the rhythms of the jungle, the dark jungle, these teeming rhythms, a very pleasant experience, like the birds and all the animals in the jungle, this great symphony of rhythms. So what is in the tiger, the touch of the tiger? I feel all that, see all that, and hear all that. There is a feeling of mystery in that.”

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.

“I see the sun coming over the mountain, rising in the morning. I see it getting brighter. Then the sun, as it almost clears the mountain, it stops and right there is where I see the tiger's eyes so there is only part of the sun that is hidden by the mountain, the sun is almost completely over the mountain, risen above only a small part that is hidden, the lower part is still hidden. That is where I see the tiger's eyes. That is where the sun stops and that is where I see it.”

7. This tiger has the four elements in it: Air, fire, water and earth.

“It is almost like I see a wheel in the four elements, the four cardinal points in the circle in a wheel. Sun (fire) at the top, the air to the right and the water at the bottom and earth to the left, 12, 3, 6, 9. I see it spinning in a clockwise motion. Fast enough to where they all merge into each other. I see the face of the tiger in the middle of it., and the tiger roars.”

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.

“The feeling of perfect balance of energy, perfect balance of fluids, having the effect of energy, a great store of energy in the body. “

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.

“Swirling flow of energy from the navel on up to the chest, going right up to the back of the neck, back of head, top of head. Swirling rush of energy. Just below the naval, pelvic area all the way up the spine, back of the head and around. It comes right back around to my eyes, my eyes are looking again at the tiger looking at me, almost like swirling up and the whole thing, seeing him as he sees me and this rush of energy from pelvis area to eyes and seeing him again as he sees me. This completion of a circle, like a wave to my eyes and then it starts again. I can feel this pulsating wave in my pelvic area, on up the spine a rush of energy up the spine behind the head and over the head and to the eyes again, and then it continues again as I see the tiger and he sees me it starts over again.”

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?

“Yes. Every time the energy comes up from eyes over the head I seem to be more identified with the tiger. Or more in unity with the tiger, like each kind of rush of energy as it hits the eyes and I stay with it, kind of increases that sense of unity. Then the next rush begins. “

11. This is your true body and your true being.

“My body feels very catlike, like it has a lot of power to move forcefully and my mind and body are one. “

12. How does it feel now?

“It is a great feeling of strength. feelings of strength, strategy, balance, resourcefulness, poise, being poised. I don't need to go anywhere else.”

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.

“Yeah. As I am doing this image and it is moving, things are really coming to me, resolutions to problems and confusions, that I have been having. Resolutions just come to me of power, how this power is taken from us, by the world. The thing is not to involved yourself in things that take this from you, or suck it out of you. The image came and the whole feeling comes and then the words are coming. Things that bother me have to do with politics and how that zaps the strength out of you, getting involved in all that meaningless crap. That is really what this whole thing is about.

“Incident with a person. Inklings of it processing it, not letting it into me. Not let that take my life from me. Not give myself over to all the meaninglessness and the mental energy that goes into this, this nothingness that goes nowhere.

“The whole mythological aspect of things comes to me and this ties in with that. How things move at a mythological pace of space and time.

“I can just feel that getting involved in that meaninglessness takes away from people. Diminishes real life.

“The pace of mythology...the way it works like time, space, how things work in eons. Hindu, things are large, sense of time...things work out in a slow way...Slower time in mythology. Relaxing thing in my body. Not this mad rush to do anything cause it is going to happen on its own time. Then you can understand what is going on around you too. You don't have to get so caught up in it, you understand it, a different place outside of it all, outside of all the turmoil, much broader perspective. You can see the levels that are at play in all of this. From a personal point of view, this particular history, to society, all the way up to the mythological view of things.

“When I take that perspective a deeper feeling arises within me. A deep place within me, where as I look at any of those levels from the broader perspective, I feel it deep inside, and a deep connection with nature, also. It makes me feel that different levels can be looked at with much more open perspective.

“Richer place where there is a lot more, the mind plays with things and things come in from different directions. Played off each other. The mind doesn't go in a straight path, takes a lot of things in from different directions. This gives a greater understanding of things as I experience them, richer experience creates greater understanding.”

14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.

“Okay. Yea, it feels really good. Part that created the spiraling thing, the tiger's body that was a very deep feeling. Very yogic and I am not even sure what that means, “very yogic,” but that is the term that comes. Seeing the tiger as he saw me, his eyes as he looks at me, that begins the yogic spiral.”

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.

“Okay A little bit to the left and in front of me. He is looking at me, about 3-4 ft away. A very friendly feel to it, like he is my friend. Almost like he is saying, I am here when you need me. When he comes nearer, I can sense his breathing now. All those things, his breathing, his heart beat, I can feel his whole being and the warmth.”

16. Hold the tiger.

“We are breathing in unison. It is almost like we are one. I see us welded together in one space, two of us in one space. Like his body is partially inside of mine.”

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.

“He jumps up and runs and I am in his body. When I was holding him he welded into my body, now he jumps up and runs, I feel his power, I have his power and the beauty of the gait and the strength of the gait. As he runs I see what he sees. There is power and grace and vision of seeing everything and freedom. That is what a lot of it is, that freedom of movement, agility and power. There is a lot of freedom in the movement. When he puts out his left paw, it is my left hand going out. My heart beating is his heart beating. I can climb a tree. which gives a different feeling of power. Again, the gigantic paw of the tiger, the power, the claws and grabbing a tree and climbing up it, gives a different feeling of power and a different view from on high.”

18. Put your cheek on it.

“It really gives me goose bumps. Now there is affection. Now I rub both of my cheeks on him, one then the other, side to side, rubbing my cheeks on the tiger. It really gives me goose bumpy feeling to do that.

“I feel the affection. It is a great feeling in my body, a tingly feeling, this is tingly a softer feeling to it, one of deep affection..

“Mostly, I feel it in my heart. I have been feeling it there the whole time, my heart has been beating the whole session, I can feel it.”

19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.

“Palm? Yes. It sends feeling of my arm, my forearm up to the heart, I feel this feeling radiating up my arm towards my heart on the left hand side. Strength in that arm.”

20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.

“Almost like the tiger is in some meditation of some type. Very present at the same time.”

21. How do you feel?

“Restful, mind is very restful; and in the body there is an alertness, presence with the outside world, and alertness, a tiger in a field or wherever, out in the wild. The tiger's eyes are closed in mediation and alert at the same time.

“Gives the feeling of strength, connection, does not feel passive, feels alert, not on the defensive, or on the look out, but there is alertness. Not a passive meditative state, little hint of movement of some type. Reminds me of the perfect stillness of Shiva in meditation, with Ganesh, a hint of movement, that is what it feels like. The hint gives it that feeling of being in touch with the world, it creates that connection with the world. Again it is the hint of movement.

“My heart is really beating the whole time. There is heat present, juices are flowing. This was a perfect resolution to the funk I was in, which I could not get off my mind, could not process what happened, but this clarifies and resolves it all.”

* Vickie Pierce: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”
How do you feel when you look at it?

Can I tell you what my tiger is doing. He didn’t just leap out and sit there. He is changing, he leaps out and starts running and leaping around all over the place, just for no reason, he is just enjoying. I think he is kind of a baby tiger, cause a larger tiger is kind of coming in from the beyond space. Now there is two tigers. The larger tiger the huge majestic, gold and black tiger, and he is very powerful and he is enjoying watching the younger tiger leap around. The cub. Like a teenage cub. The big tiger has his tongue out a little bit, letting the little cub be.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
He laid down and is just breathing, and the teenage cub comes and plays around a little bit and the big tiger is laying there breathing.
What happens as you concentrate on his breathing?
I get more relaxed. Feel my mind opening more. Bigger realm. It just keeps spreading. My belly has that primal breath it just releases. Belly goes up and down instead of trying to hold it in. It moves with the tiger’s breath and the tiger’s belly.
The cub comes over and puts his head on the Mom or Dad on the belly and the cub begins to relax. He is getting in sync. that calms me down a bit more.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
I feel a heat in my body, starts in my legs actually. It feels like that fire, like there is an image of a little bit of fire. This is really Shiva’s tiger and the flame that Shiva holds in his hand in the Tandava. It is like the big tiger is teaching the teenage tiger this, it is emanating from the big tiger it is a teaching to the teenage cub.
Shiva came in he is not real vivid but his shadow, the presence is there, and the flame. The flame bets bigger and Shiva is in the flame, the fire. The meaning actually comes from that is not to be afraid of it. Shiva is standing in the fire, consumed in the fire. The cub is just absorbing it all.
Shiva ...what is coming from my mind from Shiva and the fire, this is where the blessings will come from this fire in regards to the world.
Now Shiva has an erection in the fire. It’s growing. He is enjoying his erection. He is actually enjoying and at peace with it at the same time. I have a genital feeling. It is like now it is my erection and it is like you can feel the yoni feels sensual and it has total desire to join fully with the erection.
So the fire gets bigger, like more fire is needed to open up the consciousness more so that can happen, so the flame gets bigger and the tiger is there, lying next to all of it. This is what his cub needs to do what he needs to do.
Shiva is moving around a bit in the fire and he is pacing not anxiously pacing back and forth in the fire, with his erection. What comes...only give your erection to this fire, the erection should never leave this fire, for anything or anyone. That is true selfishness. To me never give it away to anything historical. Now it is funny, his erection. It is just solid, and steady. Now it is kind of throbbing a bit. And it is saying that you have to listen to this erection. The teenage cub is absorbing it. The big tiger you can feel the strategy in the big tiger, you just feel it, like it is not just strategy, it is powerful strategy and as I concentrate on it the power begins to come thru.
You know what is bizarre, the way that AA gets that look in his eyes, I feel the look coming thru in my eyes. It is wicked in Brahmanic wickedness is coming thru and it says, you shouldn’t fear or be afraid of this type of wickedness, it is necessary. No shame in this wickedness, necessary in this type of strategy. It is serious. It is serious business. This kind of wickedness is like overcoming that Christianity servantry, there is no guilt in it, no shame in it, pure worldly strategy and it is connected to that other realm, way beyond the convention, it is necessary in dealing with the convention.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
What happens, at first he is a little smaller cause of the other stuff, when I concentrate on him his body gets bigger and bigger. Then it feels sexual. I can feel that power in the sexual feeling.

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
It gives the earth a whole different feeling. It is like thru the tiger I get a feeling that the earth is more embraceable. There is strength in the earth. which is the feminine. Oh boy. Shiva is enjoying his dance now. It actually sends Shiva a bit more into ecstasy in his dance when the earth feels this way. It makes the tiger, the earth, rich, so rich the soil is like so rich that when you penetrate the soil, the soil engulfs you, it is so rich.

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
They are brilliant, so brilliant, I can’t really see his eyes, there is this brilliant light. Just brilliant light coming out from where his eyes are.

7. This tiger has the four elements in it: Air, fire, water and earth.
I am having a hard time with this cause of the brilliant light that is coming out his eyes.
What is coming, is reminds me of Durga, the mother of history, the brilliant light when she is out and no one can get her, that brilliant light coming thru his eyes. Sort of the history can’t get to you, you can just look at him with this brilliant light and whatever the history is, it can’t impose on this, can’t come in as an imposition, to the brilliance. There is nothing they can do. Now staying with that I can feel that all the elements exist in the tiger. I needed to stay there a little longer, Now I feel more the earth, the breeze and the fire. I can even feel the apasha, the blue ether. The sky. Now I can see it more, all the elements in it. Now I can feel the water more. Now I can see his real eyes more. Now they are getting dark, god, the lion came in and merges with the tiger. The lion weaves in and out of the tiger’s body can move in and out of the tiger’s body, like the blue black, the beginning of consciousness, that is what is in the tiger’s eyes, then the lion comes in and merges, then weaves in and out of the tiger. The lion can be too brave and get himself killed, but there is innocence in the lion and you want the innocence and the little bit of bravery interweave with the powerful strategy of the tiger. But you want to stay with the beginning of consciousness the blue black. And take them to that place. Taking them back to that place is really ...you need all of those elements, innocence and bravery, but not too much bravery you can get killed all those elements have to merge together. You don't want to be too smart and too brave.
You have to make room for them to be like idiots, innocent idiots, trying to be smart. The cerebral cortex. I think what is coming thru all these aspects have to merge together,
making room for people to be where they are regardless, not making it bad good whatever.

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
That feels like the effects the organs and everything. Everything flows thru the body, the way it is meant to flow thru. There is a peace about that, nothing else is needed. For the body to function except food, or except for what the body needs to stay alive.

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
Tiger won’t look at me. Bizarre what he is doing, looking one way and then the other. He won’t look me in the eye. I don’t know why. He turns his head all the way around the other way. like away from me, the back of his head, but in some way he is letting me know that he is still there although he is looking the other way. That actually feels good. He doesn’t need to look at me with his eyes to see me.

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
Me and the tiger? Yeah, I like that. I feel that way that I don’t have to directly look at people to be with them, in fact, don’t have to but I can when I need to, like the concentration thing. I can still be with you even though I am not looking at you.
Know what comes to mind? I’d rather look at you in my mind internally, rather than look at you thru the external world. I feel like I can be with you more in a more real way, looking at you from the internal place versus the external.

11. This is your true body and your true being.
We just merged together, his head turned and looking the other direction and he merged into me as if the way his head is turned, back of his head merged into me and we are looking out and it is the same, we are looking in the same direction. As we merged, somebody who irritated me their face came in and he reached in and clawed their face off. I don’t want to be irritable. More of an anticipation. Anticipate minutia chit chat, he reaches his paw up and claws the front off, clawing the image out of my real mind instead of the person. How is that...it is good it relieved me. What it takes a part of me wants to bring it back there is an attachment to the irritability wanting to punish people for irritating me. There is a pull to do that. But if the tiger, if my mind and the tiger’s are one, the beginning point of the empty space is what we are looking out at and it is that darkness.
At the beg. point empty space on right, I see the darkness. It is actually connected to the Beyond realm, it makes room for things to come in. without having to do anything.
What happens?
It felt like something was needed it felt like the coolness came in.

12. How does it feel now?
It feels good. There is a coolness and dark it is actually that blue black that I like so much, the beginning of consciousness blue black and it feels like it goes on and on and on and on.

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
Is there more strength in you?
I t feels like my mind is not agitated by the irritating memory. Better things to do with my mind than that. Coolness and the darkness is needed to cool off the irritation. Pull to go into the irritation, coolness and the blue black. Feels less of a pull to retrieve the agitation.
There is something that wants ...few people, I want to torture them. I want to torture them. The new strategy is to punish mythologically not historically. Mythological punishment, it is for the higher good of everyone. It doesn’t come from that Christian stuff. You can just be in that space. Torture them by being in your own space, that is the real torture. It will effect them, it has to, there is no other way. That brings out the Punjabi side. It will effect them and will have pleasure in it. Deeply spiritual punishment. I want to integrate that.
See the tiger and never forget the vision of this strength.
I feel somewhat distant from the strength. I like it when I look at the tiger in my mind, I feel distant from it, but if the tiger is merged with me, merged into each other’s bodies I don't feel so distant, I feel the strength more.
I feel like I can claw anyone’s face off that I want to without getting killed. Symbolically, I mean not literally. Symbolically speaking, claw their faces off in my mind...
and then what I do, I stay with my own mind. Not that I am going to rip somebody to sheds in the real world. I don't’ have to do much, I don't know. Nothing happens to me. It feels good, cause I don’t have to think about them, or think about anything.

14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
Space on the right. I like that. Like I prefer that over the obsessive irritating memory.

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
I feel like he is my real friend, this is my real friend.

16. Hold the tiger.
I want to have sex with him.

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
The feeling yes. I can’t imagine doing that. I think it is more wanting to be one with him. He is Shiva's tiger. Shiva doesn’t care what you do. He has that, in him, you know. It would be fun to have sex or have that kind of animalistic sexuality, the feeling of that. Raw animalistic sexuality.

18. Put your cheek on it.
I am laying on him and have my right cheek on the back of his neck.
19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.

I put my palm on his mouth, feeling of his teeth, feel his breath on my hands, Yeah, yawns. I like his hot breath, wet sort of hot and wet. saliva in there. Mouth is wet.

20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.
I feel the purr, it is a loud purr it is in the breath and I can feel it vibrating thru my body. I am going to be convulsing.

21. How do you feel?
I feel pretty hot. Kind of wield and hot and earthy and all of those things at the same time. I have some convulsing going thru my body. It is in me. The energy moves very vibratory. Like kundalini feeling. There is a lot of genital feelings. Lot of feeling coming up from the genitals. The difference is, I used to want to get manical but it feels like it is more I can be with it, instead of bust out and do something, bust out of it. It feels more integrated now. I can just experience it and be with it. Enjoy it. Now my body is pulsating. when I used to get this shaky feeling I would get anxiety, there is no anxiety here.
Now I can get the full kundalini going.
Leslie, god, my clients will be able to feel this. God, pretty intense having sex with Shiva’s tiger. I am convulsing and vibrating more. Sexual feeling is mega intense. Nothing wrong with mega intense integrated sexual feelings. Raw power. First I saw myself riding him, then gave it a shot and have sex and it is pretty good. I like all of it.

* Katy Swafford: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”
KS: I see this huge powerful tiger, walking around slowly.

1. How do you feel when you look at it?
I feel secure, a solid comfort there.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
I see its ribs move and sort of lift to breathe in and then relax.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
I feel the warmth all around the tiger.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
There is slight movement everywhere, from the breathing, very alive. It feels good.

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
I touch him with my hands and I feel the warmth, the powerful muscles.

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
They have a soft glow, a knowing quality, not piercing, threatening. I feel connected, not challenged or intimidated, but pure in the connection. Like a partner. Powerful a powerful partner.

7. This tiger has the four elements in him: Air, fire, water, earth.
Sense all of that, that is true. That everything is there.

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
Feeling of the balance, that gentle movement.
Feeling of constant movement, not agitated movement, but like a wave. Barely moving. With that I feel a calm strength. Like an activated calm, present. A presence.

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
I really feel the connection now.

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?

11. This is your true body and your true being.
Yes, I feel that.

12. How does it feel now?
My body feels full. With a calm presence, feeling of presence.

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
It doesn’t seem like I could forget.

14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
That feels very nice.

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
I see that. It feels very natural.

16. Hold the tiger.
Sort of leaning against it with my arm around it. I can feel his body.

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
Sort of wrestling with it rolling over and over.

18. Put your cheek on it.
Warm. I can smell the tiger.

19. Feel your own palm on it as you touch it.
I feel it with my hand and my palm.

20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.
I hear it.

21. How do you feel?
I feel the vibration all the way through me.
It feels really nice. I love the purr, the vibration of the purr. It goes all the way through me, it really feels good.

* Leize Perlmutter: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”

1. How do you feel when you look at it?
I see that the tiger has a lot of power, I see its muscles and its big legs. The tiger has a lot of power and nothing can get in its way.
How do you feel?
I feel if I can hop on its back it will protect me, like parting of the waters of the Red Sea, everything gets out of its way for it. I see that the tiger lives in nature and sees it doesn’t have a home, doesn’t need anything, needs food and it can rest, its life is in nature and it doesn’t get off course, like with me when somebody shows up when I am doing something. I see that there is not a lot of diversions, whatever it is, not distractions...the tiger gets to be in its power of walking in the motion.
There is an honoring of the cycles of life, in its nature whatever it is. Not all that intellectual banter going on there, totally present, aware of its surroundings. Wherever it lives not worrying about the future.
The way I see it lives in a place where there is an abundance of food, not that concern. I am feeling in my heart, trying to simplify my life, an ongoing process of things that go on and that is a part of being in this world.
Partly the structure, I am home, not that I love structure. Even the tiger has movement and purpose. (That is the structure). That is what is popping up for me right now.
How does that feel?
Movement feels good, that feeling of progression and movement, it feels good. Does not have a lot on its agenda, aware of what is going on. If it needs food, it will take off, it shifts from moment to moment. Place to sleep, food. It is in charge of its domain and not threatened. When I look it says for me to relax. Like I am too hard on myself.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
It is not tight, but relaxed, it is smooth. Unless it is chasing something its breathing would be faster, for that moment. Adjusts to whatever is going on in the moment, for the most part it is pretty steady. I feel my breathing is not in sync with the tiger’s breathing when I am looking at it. I have more anxiety in my breathing.
Now as I concentrate on the tiger’s breathing, it shifts my breathing. I can see that and it shifts some, but there is this piece in the back of me, the frustration of looking at this, there is a struggle of trying to move in that place and stay in the place. It doesn't hold, there is an exasperation.
The tiger and the Nature, the mythology, which is responding acc. to what is happening and then returns to his own being,
Yes, it is wonderful to be in that place.
In us, there is a struggle between history and mythology. Between that part of us which is bound and the unbound where we are present, in the moment.
In me it is so strong. Pronounced. I am thinking back not always but I am thinking back, moments of feeling his feeling, times I get released from that, I would travel and see different things, out and engaged with different people. Really present, doing eidetic work, getting into a deeper place, for me and others, but in the normal part of me there is this deep questioning. I am always looking, thinking, David is doing this, Alberto and his girlfriend came over. She is making the time to work on her book. Everything for me I don't get around to doing it. David and the kids and people coming. Not right or wrong, it brings up this frustration in me.
This is debilitating.
I feel right now.
You have a very gifted, quick moving mind. That is the blessing and the problem is the quick movement. Let that mind be restful too, like when you see the tiger you see the movement when it needs it, the pacing to what is going on acc. to nature.
Frustrations that I am not using my mind...I feel isolated...in the house. I was very much isolated as a child, so alone and so misunderstood. I grew up that way, by both parents and I felt not aligned anywhere and I ahd friends that I played with, acquaintances, closest to sister. Out in nature in the woods, our cottage, and spending the night with grandparents.
Everything is in my face all of sudden. All the stuff is in my face.
So powerful, you are moving into menopause, being honored in your wisdom. The way this woman sees me...
Feels like my whole life is coming before me and brings up a lot of stuff, looking at it and remembering what I felt as a child isolated and alone. Pretty young blond whatever, moments I felt, then I went to Europe and was very along, and in Seattle I was very very alone.
It is so strange and David adores me and really really loves me.
He says, you know how much I love you, I adore you. He adores me cause he is in a really good place, he is running a bunch, lost weight. etc. How he is feeling about himself, I feel like I want to tear him up and he is adoring. I see that and I know that. Hormones it is in me. It is hard. I feel agitated I don't feel that way. I am pissed off, how come the guys get off so easily, hormones...
All the stuff honor the body, wow, I am here, figuring what I want to do, it is all that stuff. Even expressing this I feel way better, trying to figure it out, nobody told me about this, mother never went thru menopause I never talked to anyone about it, I am feeling all these things and I was not prepared for it. David is not a woman and does not understand it. Step mother says people who went thru this (menopause) suicidal, dries up, completely changed a different person. This whole piece.
History in your face. Relationship to the male, where ...all that stuff. I am going thru menopause, I just finished building this house I am in this house, job, kids and they are about to leave it is a lot of stuff. The whole part of my biology in my being, they had communication, in my being. In community, people would be there to show you, partly about woman moving thru we don't have direction any more, honoring it.
What I am going thru is all about me embracing my own wisdom. It is all there.
Somewhere making the time, 10 mins. writing, when I pull it together it feels really good. I feel good when I am doing it. I have a hard time carving that time out, and that is what will heal me. Somehow...
I am in tuned with my body, eating exercise, being sense, but it is the mind where you need to nurture and feed it and give it good nutrients. Honor your true mind. so frustration, I don't even allow the time for myself and to do. So many distractions that get in the way.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
I see it opening up my mind. It almost feels like when that happens, like Niagara Falls wanting to come thru me, it is so huge. I so limit my mind. I don't nourish it at all. Somehow connecting back to childhood, the house I grew up in. I don't remember my mother even or ever reading to me.
I see that there was no time, mother was so busy. I get so busy and am not present.
I just want to peal off the history, I want to be liberated. Awareness of seeing it. I can see that my life is pretty great. Not having all these horrible things happening. Even if it wasn’t much, how much it is in the way. The question is do I have the ability to move beyond that and leave it behind.
Then I see this image of me moving beyond that, being grateful, moving beyond that, it is darker, gray, heaviness, all this history. I bless it, thank it, move beyond. I see Mom without history, these huge black circles under her eyes, the depression, then the image of mother with t he smile, bright and she is happy.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
I see him moving every obstacle out of the way. I see him in my office, moving stuff out of the way to create clean desk can do my writing, imagery whatever. Clean. It is great. I am feeling that I can do all this stuff, I have to take care of things, before...I see him taking his paw and swiping it ...sit down and do the eidetics, whatever, the writing, I don’t have to get all that done, this is huge, big revelation.
That would feel good, fill my soul. Would not feel like I am behind on stuff, always feeling that I am behind. I m sitting down and taking care of these things, I am present here and I can do the other stuff. Even in my space....I have space. brings huge relief I feel it in my whole body right now.

* Muriel Levine: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.” .

1. How do you feel when you look at it?
I think it is relaxing.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
First of all I am breathing myself and that is the breathing I am seeing.
Easy, deeper.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
Some relaxation on my part.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
I am perspiring in my head a little bit. I feel comfortable.

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
A sensation of the fur. LIke short and fuzzy. Doesn’t feel smooth and furry. I can feel all the ends of the hair.

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.

7. This tiger has the four elements in him: Air, fire, water, earth.
Listening to you, I got drowsy.

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
You said earlier this is me.

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
Again, relaxation.

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
Not quite yet.
Yet, there is deep relaxation with the tiger?

11. This is your true body and your true being.
Some relaxation.

12. How does it feel now?
The whole thing creates a sense of relaxation.

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
Still relaxing.
14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
This pleases me.

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
I am trying to get this.

16. Hold the tiger.
Again, quite relaxing.

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
I shake hands, pat his head.

18. Put your cheek on it.
Relaxation gets deeper.

19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.
I get tingling in my hands.

20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.
Again, deep relaxation.

21. How do you feel?
I know how I feel. Quite relaxed. I was tense before we started, now I am not tense at all anymore.

* France Doyle: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”

1. How do you feel when you look at it?
A little curious. I am not anxious about it, I am sort of looking at it.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
Okay. It is sort of pacing around.
A low hum. It is normal breathing, effortless, in and out, rhythmic, without effort.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
A little warm compared to the air.
I am just watching him, like at the zoo, you see the animals.
This tiger is in nature and not caged.
Came out of your own being, out in the space out in front of you.
Like the picture in your living room on the floor.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
Very fluid, you can see the muscles underneath the skin. Sort of walking around looking at things, I do not notice anything in particular.

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
I do not know what you mean, like the earth itself.
Just touch him do not worry about the meaning...
It is about experience, rather than understanding.
It is nice. Pleasurable, I am scratching his head and behind his ears.

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
I am having trouble seeing his eyes.
Can you see your own eyes in your mind’s eye. Describe them.
They are brown. Is there light in them? Yes. They flash a little bit, kind of white, silver...light catches...
Tiger’s eyes, sort of gold color, elliptical in shape.

7. This tiger has the four elements in him: Air, fire, water, earth.
It is relaxing, calm. No stress about it, standing field trees, looking taking things in. No tension or anxiety, no danger.

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
It is what it looks like. Looks like everything is in balance in this tiger. Looks like nothing wrong. Sense a flow? Yes, everything is fine. When I work the first 5 secs I have a sense if something is in balance or out of balance, stillness or agitation.
Tiger, the color is balanced, the energy is balanced, nothing drawing my eye that is a problem.
Feeling off, color off, no light, it is a matter of joining with the person, talking with them, to get at what is going on, touching them that is where there is a problem, doesn’t feel right. People will open up and talk, they understand that I am there to help them.

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
The tiger has a nice face, pleasant, fur is very soft. He yawns.

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
I feel a connection, yes.

11. This is your true body and your true being.

12. How does it feel now?
Very calm, very relaxed.

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.

14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
Okay. It is good.

16. Hold the tiger.
How is that? That is fine. Rubbing between his ears.

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
I see myself sitting down against tree and tiger is lying down on my right side, I am scratching his head, rolls on back, scratching him and he curls up and goes to sleep. I am looking around and he has gone to sleep.
Restful, very nice spring day, the sun is out, shade of tree, very comfortable, nice smells in the air, flowers and very relaxing.

18. Put your cheek on it.
Yes. It is fine. Remind me of game i used to play with spencer, (MY dog) he would greet me at the door and then run up on my bed, I would say, You get off my bed, he’s roll over and I would bury my face in his belly, I would tickle him, and he would love that game and then I would change my clothes and take him for a walk. Wrestle.
This is your companion.
There is feeling of presence.

19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.


20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.
Yes. There is a twinge of anxiety.
Just. I want to make sure it friendly not hostile.
I guess it is contentment.
Don’t guess, be with it. See the image and be with the tiger and feel it purring.
Yes, it is contentment.

21. How do you feel?
I feel the same. Contentment.

22. Hear the roar of the tiger.
Commands respect.

Take your tiger to work today.
(yawns) following the image.

* Jerry Strickland: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?

“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”

1. How do you feel when you look at it?

I feel very masculine, very strong and real sexual. Brings up a sexual strength in me. I also feel really in my mind in touch with the tiger.

2. Concentrate on its breathing.
It a real easy, we are breathing in harmony, I am real connected to the breathing of the tiger. Pops in my head, our hearts are breathing the same, we are one heart.
I go inside the tiger and I become the tiger. Extremely powerful feeling and my body feels fantastic.

3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
Yes. Makes my body feels really alive. Very pleasant feeling, I have the thought that I can move in and out of the tiger’s body at will. It is something there...some sort of feeling like no fear, all trust, purity. Real, so easy. It is so comfortable to do.

4. Concentrate on his whole body.
My arms feel real powerful and my legs feel real powerful. I feel real masculine, I feel like a stud. Feeling the openness of the mind. There is something there. Not searching or worry, some sort of mental clarity, awareness. Think it is just a real feeling of confidence. Feeling like I have been really gifted. Me and the tiger. We are one. Feels so secure, safe.

5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
Yes. There is connectedness there. Like touching Nature. Of being really in touch with it, really being able to touch nature. Real grounding feeling about it. Peaceful.

6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
Yes. Eyes have look of understanding or something. A special look. I can look in his eyes and we can actually communicate. Like he is talking to me, thought came through, talking to me through his eyes. thought is if you can believe in me and trust in me you can be in peace with yourself, that is what he is saying to me.
What do you make of it?
I am getting a message here, saying he is put here as a protector, or representative or guardian of Nature. Here for a special reason.

7. This tiger has the four elements in it: Air, fire, water and earth.
Put here was an interpreter. Interpreter of the universe. Channeling of nature’s universe, of God, or ...It feels like this creature of God or channels all the forces in one unity, the forces of the universe.

8. It has the juices in his body, wonderfully balanced.
Yes, absolutely. When I move back into him I can feel those juices flowing smoothly and my whole body feels perfectly in tuned. There is pleasure, very much so. Again, weightless feeling.
Go into that feeling of presence.
It feels great.
How is that?
It feels like I am aware of my body without being aware. Not like I have ot think about it in parts but am aware of it as a whole.

9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
I look in his eyes, he really sees into me. He is looking into my soul. He is talking to me, telling me that if I follow him, follow his ways, I will be very happy.
I can be of help to him and he will be my teacher.
It seems like the purpose he will teach me and I take his teachings and utilize them.

10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
Yes. I feel that very much so.

11. This is your true body and your true being.

12. How does it feel now?
It feels good, but a little egotistical. Yawns.
How should I be so presumptuous.
When I say that, it is real , doesn’t really feel that way, it is more a thought than a feeling.
We have to filter thru a lot of stuff to get here.
As I said that, the tiger’s eyes are the filter.
The purity of the filter, that is what I can see thru them and going inside.
The eyes are the filter.
Then I go back inside of him and look out. I am looking out of this eyes from the inside.
I am seeing some tree branches. As I look out I see nature, trees, grass, things are well defined. It is a different feeling of seeing it. More like a feeling of being a part of it. When I look thru the tiger’s eyes, everything I am looking at is a living thing, it is a whole different...that is interesting, that is good.
Whole new perspective. I know it mentally, looking at it, now, different.
It feels that I am in harmony with all of this, in total harmony with all that I see.
Outside his body, something different. Don’t feel the same 100 percent in harmony. Live in his body.

13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
It is a tremendous feeling of strength.
Feel of cockiness, nothing can really ...king of...lot of confidence.

14. It can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
I have to meet with a bunch a bankers tom. I think I will bring this in.
Gold speckles in the eyes, clarity.

15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
Yes. Interesting sits on right hand side a lot of warmth with his sitting next to me.
On left side, Ganesh appeared and I am between the two of them. Ganesh is observing him but he is there. Tiger is warm feeling a real feeling of solid grounding.

16. Hold the tiger.
I have my arm around him. He is pretty big though. Paw on you...
He is leaning against me body is warm and I can feel the heart beat and both our heats are beating at the same time.
Your heart beat?
Real slow. Good pulse.

17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
I have my right arm on him and left hand in his face, he licks my fingers. Real warm sensuous feeling, lifting fingers on left hand.
Real good feeling. Not strong sexual feeling, feeling, my skin feels real good. Someone rubs my skin feels good. Also feels real loving and connectedness or something.

18. Put your cheek on it.
Feels real warm and pleasant. Feeling connected, something there. Feeling, touching.
Real feeling of confidence. True friends, true connection.

19. Feel your own palm as you touch it.
Sensation when I do that, almost electrical stimulation. Feeling... stimulating....almost electrical not quite.

20. Hear this tiger when it purrs.
Laughs. it tickles me. Tickling my ribs, the vibration, physically, the purring and a big smile.

21. How do you feel?
I feel very relaxed and my body feels like it is feels real good, everything is connected, everything is working, kind of strange feeling. Nice warm bath, get in and your whole body feels the warmth and releasing of it. Total body pleasurable feeling all over.
It is wonderful.

* Wendy Yellen: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?
“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”
1. How do you feel when you look at it?
“I feel a little intimidated but in a good way. Awe.’’
2. Concentrate on its breathing.
“Slow and steady. ‘
3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
“I like the warmth. I feel the warmth on my right cheek.”
4. Concentrate on his whole body.
“Feels good.”
5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
“I have been touching him. There is ferociousness, like a cat lets me pet him and also independent.”
6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
“Intense, compelling, strong, mystical, all seeing, also removed a bit. Not all caught up in things.”
7. This tiger has four elements: Air, fire, earth, water.
I see the different elements, water and fire I like, the air and earth. Air is hardest.
Earth - grounding
Air now, it feels lighter.
I like the water, feels good, feel it in stripes, flowy movement in the stripes.
8. It has all the juices in its body, wonderfully balanced.
“That is good.”
9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
“It grounds me and at the same time feels mystical and spiritual, and connected to power.”
10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
“I have some knowing of that.”
11. This is your true body and your true being.
“I like it. “
Roar of the tiger:
Play with touch it, have sit near you.
“Yes.” It can come to you from this place.
“I like that a lot.”
Feeling of Presence...
How is that?
“I like it.”

The tiger gives the feeling of having a companion .
Strong feeling of presence.
Communication, connection, presence.
Breaks thru the isolation and anxiety and gives the strength of the true being back to the individual.

* Irene Blasetti: Visitation by the Tiger

There are two deaths. One is meeting the Creator, which is really not death, it is blessed. We should clean our hearts about it. It is not extermination. The other death is the death of confusion in which the person is in pain because of confusion and doubt and is a victim of people who have caused the doubt in him and changed his nature from the God created to a confused helpless being. What is a true being like which God created?
“See an empty space toward the right and in front of you and a little forward. Out comes a tiger. This is your true being. This is really you. Look at it.”
1. How do you feel when you look at it?
“I feel strong I feel confident. I feel playful. And...I want to say spiritual, but there is something...mystical, spiritual, something there. It feels like here is a completeness there as I see that. Yes.”
2. Concentrate on its breathing.
“I like that because I have a problem with breathing. I like that feel, as I see him breathing. There is a strength there, heavy, not burdensome, deep, and there is a calming to it, a very good feeling. Not angry, not attack breath, a deep, strong breath. And there is life in the breath, not just breathing in and breathing out. Life in there breath.”
3. Concentrate on his body warmth.
“Thought that crossed, why am I seeing him on the right, funny to see the tiger on the right, for me the right, I always have a problem with it, it being constricted, tight and overpowering the left. But I think cause it was the tiger it took me away from that focus of German mother on the right and Italian father on the left. Tiger, so much different not the right, has to do with the tiger not so much what side. For a minute my mind came German right, I still see the tiger and the warmth is there, it is a nice warmth, I am still having a little bit of trouble, now I am not as stable as I was before. The German side came into my thought, if I take away my thought I am fine with the tiger, but thought brings me ...I lose the sense of the tiger and I go into the history.
Drop the history...
“Now i am thinking...why can’t he just be there, why come from the right? He comes from the right and can go to the center, then the left.
“I want him to go where he wants to go. If he wants to come from the left he can come from the left, or from the center, or from the right. As I play with it, I am getting away from t he right, the feeling of the right, he can come and go. I feel better. I am not getting that strong irritation rom before. Coming form the right, can be left, center ...now I am feeling more of a balance of right and left. I had to get there from the image. Too much on me, just right, play is very important, if I don't have the play it is ..very important, just an instruction I get stuck, I need the play from my movement, which comes from me or I see it in the image, if he comes form there I am fine with it, I know I need it, for my images to move, otherwise it doesn’t work, I will get tight and back up. Rather than just be.
Now I am okay.
LD: You look very bright eyed.
IB: I feel better, out of tightness and out of stuckness.
LD: The dynamic of the exchange actually made you seem more bright eyed and colorful. Like the full energy.
IB: Once I had the dialogue with the image or myself. Right does trigger my heat or gets me heated, I don’t like it. Warmth: now I am fine, dialogue with the image, not stuck and I feel fine with the warmth.
4. Concentrate on his whole body.
“Okay. I can see he is very strong, very muscular, but he is very ...he can sort of sneak, stealthy, but can be...I can also see him clumsy and playful. He seems to have it all, he can also be like that on the focus. He can do whatever he needs to do to live, to be who he has to be with his being. Whatever movements is what he is doing, who he is comes from the center of him that is true, does not do anything that is superimposed from somewhere else, that is his being, whatever it is. It is ..that gives the strength and feeling in his body, his movements are as they should be, sort of like he walks with God, he walks with the gods, he is true to his nature, his being, who he is, and that allows his body to be in perfect harmony with the world. Not his environment if you bring people into it, then that is a different story. He is in true harmony with his own nature and the world and that is as it should be. He can roam, do what he wants to do, freedom in his body movements, freedom to go within the world.
5. You can touch him, it is like the earth itself.
“Sure I can, absolutely. There is no hesitation. I would go to the tiger, there is no hesitation at all for me to go forward, to touch, play and wrestle. It is the most natural thing to do. I just can’t wait to...that is me, there is no fear, no thought of that, not being able to and having the tiger being receptive. It is a natural thing for both of us to be in contact with one another. That is it.
6. Look at his eyes, the light in them.
“Yes, For some reason it is shining yellow, or brightness, there is just a clarity or a ...not scary a very ..you die and you see the light, it is that kind of feeling it is a very welcoming...not a cutting light, it is opening light. Like when you die you just go to it, it is a light that attracts you. Not flashy it is a “Come to me light,” that type of light where you would be dawn to it, not hesitate.
7. This tiger has the four elements in it: Air, fire, water and earth.
“Okay I can see that. As I see ...I thought of each individual one, cause it was easier to do it that way. If I take it slow. I think of the air and the fire and the water and the earth, it gives me more of a feeling of back and forth, a to and a fro type of feeling which is good for me and I can see them being in combination, it no longer had to be individual, it is more of a flow and as I see that flow, it is more of a universal feeling. Again, different than when It started out. It is natural and gives me a complete feeling of the tiger. Not only as if he could walk on the earth, touched by the wind, drink the water, more than that, more of a feeling he has with each, and all at the same time.
“He is the earth, there is a connection with the earth, not just drinks the water, or feels the breeze, it is he is the wind, he is the water, it is part of him, it all mixes and blends together, outside, in him he is in them, it is a to and fro, like that. Better for me now then when It started out, as I stayed with it, it gets better. I am able to get to it.
8. It has the juices in its body, wonderfully balanced.
“That is what I was ...juices in hs body...brings me too much to thought.
I can say yes, but I prefer, now I am into thought...
9. Look at this tiger as this tiger looks at you.
“I see him. He is cute. He likes me and I like him. We look at one another on one level we are looking at one another on another level...first level, we connect, there are people out there looking in on us; we are almost laughing, acc. to these people who are watching, we are not supposed to be connected, not at the level we are connecting. We connect on a deeper level. We know what we know. How we connect. Why are these two looking on that level, some people would be scared, would not look the tiger in the eye. We are laughing. How stupid are you. It is an inside thing. Once after we meet on that level, our eyes meet on that level and take care of them and then we can go into our own wonderment of one another, of each other, as we just sort of speak with our eyes, wonderment of the realization of how deeply we are connected to something. Connection I guess. Again, it would not be understood from the outside world, something that is understood probably at that moment. You can’t really take it at that moment.
10. You are one and the same. Do you feel that?
“Absolutely. Yet, I don't take way from the tiger’s own identity. I can be one and the same and I can be the tiger but I respect him and do not take away the tiger’s identity. I am not taking over the tiger and the tiger is not taking over me. We remain ourselves and only because of that are we able to be one and the same. We keep our identities and our beings true to ourselves and then we can be connected. I don’t take over the tiger and the tiger does not take over me. We would be human against nature or nature against human. Allow the tiger to be the tiger, yet we are the same and can connect.
11. This is your true body and your true being.
“I feel that that is a part of me who I am but again, I can’t take it away from the tiger. I do feel that it is a part of me, but i don't take it over and discredit the tiger; the tiger is there before me. I am not, hard to explain...
12. How does it feel now?
“That feels good. The whole progression of the getting there was good. Otherwise, I would have been stuck in the right. It was good. I do feel the strength of the tiger and I give it its place. I don't overshadow the tiger and it does not overshadow me and we can be one and the same.
13. Never forget this vision of this strength.
“The strength is always there, even when there is play, the strength is always there. Not only in the physical but a strength in knowing. There is a strength throughout, but in the knowing and the movement and strategy, I don't like that word, strategy. It is too manipulative, confining, like a not a good feeling word for me, too constricting. The strength is in his wiliness and knowing, he does know. Strategy is too calculating, the tiger does not calculate, people calculate. He has various strengths, they are always present.
14. The tiger can always come to you in this fashion from this space.
“Sure. The image of the tiger, it is always there, it is automatic the presence of the tiger.
15. Let the tiger come and sit near you.
“Okay. I am very pleased that the tiger has come and sits next to me. It makes me feel good. It is more of playful feeling. i like that. When he comes and sits there it feels like he is my friend and my companion and we can do silly things together. He comes more as that than as a ferocious beast. He comes with the strength, but not just strength but all the other qualities.
16. Hold the tiger.
“Yes. Yes. Yes. I hold the tiger so much so he says, ‘Lady, let me go already.’ I get overly wanting to pet him and his paws are so big and so nice to touch. He lets me; he knows I am touchy feely. He lets me do my thing. Again it is more playful. It is playful and light and fun.
17. Do whatever you feel like with the tiger.
“We are just going to run in this big field, running, running, running and when I get tired, I can ride him and when he gets tired of me riding him he can rest on his back and is looking up to the sun and I am there too. It is like we would be almost like two lion cubs playing. We can wrestle, we can do whatever we want to do. We can even pick flowers. Whatever I can do, he can do, whatever he can do, I can do, we can do it together. It is the space of being out in this open area that is endless; there is no end to this place, the field, the sun, and the sky, there is no end. There is all that is there, just us, no constrictions, constraints, no...nothing in the way.
18. Put your cheek on him.
“We are cheek to cheek. We are nuzzling. Sure. Just that how they do.
19. Feel your own palm as you touch the tiger.
“What I see is his paw comes to my palm and I like the feel of his paw, very soft and very big, I love that it humongus. His paw is so big. It feels safe, big, nice, I like it. There is also a feeling of connection his paw to my palm. yeah, there is a very strong feeling of connection there. I can take my palm and pet him, I see my palm to his paw and his paw to my palm. I like that. I can feel his strong paw there too as we touch.
20. Hear this tiger as he purrs.
“Heavy this sound. Deep strong and rhythmic. In that rhythmic sound, it has that restful sound, restful feel to it, where you could go to sleep, where you are still aware of it.
21. How do you feel?
“I feel happy. The tiger is happy. With the purring, he is content and restful, I am he and he is me, what I am he is, what he is I am at that point. When we are into the purring, we have gone from this journey and traveled together and we are both at rest together. That is why he is purring and he has that rhythmic relating, the right, the left, the field, we got to where we need to be and the feeling that we can rest and we can go on another journey, a good rest from a journey and a rest to build on for whatever comes next. There will be something that comes next, but we will both be ready for it, Both be able to deal with whatever it Is. there.
“There is no sense ...not anticipating...it is just a knowing within and within that knowing there is a restful state. It is a knowing state and a being. Being in fullness with the rest, just like we were in fullness with the journey. Being there and coming to this completely. The tiger in the beginning looked complete and now there is the feeling in the end, the rest. Complete. Nice, very nice, I like it.”